Tuesday, October 29, 2013

You can run, but you can't hide!

Dear ol' Delta High
 - - Save the date: Saturday, July 5, 2014 - -  
I remember many years ago when my parents prepared for their 20 year class reunion.  They both graduated from Delta High School in the mid-seventies and it has been nearly 20 years since they had their monumental reunion.  I remember how old they seemed to me then.

Like it or not, it is true.  Our class of 1994 will celebrate a 20 year reunion in 2014.  You can run but you can't hide!  So start thinking about it.  You have any requests?  Any ideas?  Are you able to help?  Let's get the word out and get people there.  While some are on facebook, others are not.  That is why we have this blog.  Your thoughts are appreciated. The Senior Class Presidency (Faith, Lori, Robyn) will spearhead this reunion and would love to hear from you.  Some have already offered to help. Those on facebook can also join conversations at https://www.facebook.com/deltahigh94  Please invite those you don't see there.

Feel free to post comments (NICE ONES!) to share with everyone, or send private messages if you are feeling a little shy. You must use your real, complete name to post. Don't expect a lot of new information until we get closer to summer 2014.

Who will be in charge of our next reunion? 
We will take nominations at the reunion this summer. 

Did you know the old DHS is no more?   Check out the new building in use this year!

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